No One Lives Forever
The Words to a popular song put it this way. "The Truth of the matter is still the same, we will not be here forever." (Bebo Norman) In the Bible, James chapter 4 verse 14 says:
Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. for what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.
But in our concept of time we like to think that our lives are longer, and we see that even our concept of time will end one day. After that there will be eternity. And if we were to live 20 years past today's life expectancy to be 100 years old, compared to eternity, life is but a vapor.
Still we put much effort in to this life and all but ignore what is after it. We are all so busy working, playing, buying, and building. In hope to make our lives on this earth as comfortable as possible, as if these things will last forever. But II Corinthians 4:18 says:
For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Yes, all wee toil for will one day be no longer. And we ignore the everlasting. We all have experienced it. We work and work to buy a new house, car, or the newest thing that everyone wants, but in a few years it looks old or needs repairs and we are tired of it. Yes, in fact we see evidence that all mankind in every nation is in a race to have the most jobs, and be the most affluent society. We are even wearing out our planet.
From the time we are born we begin to die. In Genesis 2:17 adn 3:6 we see the process start when Adam disobeys God. But there is hope! We see in Romans 5:17
For if by the one man's offense (Adam's) death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One... JESUS CHRIST
~Written by Rick Petefish
Thanks so much Ben! I definately want to use that in my Bible class!
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