Idol Factory
I was listening to the Message 'The Idol Factory' with my Bible 9 class. I've heard it several times before, but each time it is as if I had never heard it before. The following quotes were ones that I thought were worth mentioning. These and others can be found in the notes of the 'Idol Factory' at
"... the Gospel comes across something like this, 'God accepts you just as you are. God has unconditional love for you.' That is NOT biblical gospel, however! The Gospel is better than unconditional love. The Gospel says, 'God accepts you just as CHRIST is'.... Christ bears the curse YOU deserve. Christ is fully pleasing to the Father and gives you His own perfect goodness." -David Powlison
'If you know how serious your sin is, Christ will be amazing.' -CJ Mahaney
'Those who remain passionate are increasingly aware of their sin and Christ forgiveness of it.' -CJ Mahaney
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