Thursday, December 18, 2003

Warning!!! Don't read this post if you have NOT YET seen Return of the King!

A Mere Hobbit?
He's my favorite character. No, not Frodo, but Sam. Some friends and I went to Palace Point last night to see the last of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Return of the King. It was my favorite of the three. It was rich. Packed full of awesome analogies, and great lines! Incredible characters of valor and courage. My favorite was Sam, not because he was the coolest, or the best looking, but because of his Loyalty and his courage, in spite of his fear. He was the picture of the kind of friend I want to be. He was Frodo's companion on this burdensome journey that they were taking. He watched Frodo's back, and he showed allegiance even when Frodo turned his back on Sam. Without Sam, Frodo wouldn't have made it.

Frodo talked about the BURDEN that he had to bear and that Sam couldn't bear it for him, but Sam was willing. One of my favorite lines of the movie was when they were climbing up the mountain to destroy the ring. Frodo was heavy with the burden of the ring. He could go no farther. Sam picks Frodo up and says, I cannot carry it for you, but I can carry YOU! I thought that was an awesome picture of what we should be as Christian brothers and sisters.

Another great analogy was when they were inside the mountain and Frodo was about to destroy the ring, but he chooses not to. Sam tearfully begs him to make haste and throw the ring in the fire. For he has seen what the ring has done to his beloved friend. Frodo chooses not to, and because of this poor choice, he himself almost falls into the fire. In a selfish struggle, the ring with Gollum is cast into the fire as Frodo dangles over the edge. Sam reaches down and asks Frodo to grab his hand. Frodo struggles. You can see him still longing for the ring. Sam sticks with him and forcefully admonishes him NOT to let go. Frodo finally makes the choice to reach for Sam's had and NOT to follow the ring into its destruction. What a great picture of how we NEED friends to stick with us even when we are making poor choices (for them not to give up on us), yet at the same time, It comes down to OUR decision. Our friends cant make the decision for us to pursue the right things. If we pursue darkness, it will bring our destruction. Gollum was proof of that.

To complete the unselfish picture of Sam, when everything was safe and Middle Earth was rid of evil, Frodo was praised. Sam didn't show signs of envy or selfishness.

Mere Hobbits? I think not, without those unlikely heros, Middle Earth would have fallen to darkness. Courage and strength lie in hidden places.

Some funny (or not so funny) things:
Frodo was unknowingly being stalked by a gargantuan spider. I HATE spiders. I was on the edge of my seat, barely able to watch, anticipating the strike of the spider, when some WISE guy next to me grabs me just as the spider strikes. I thought I was going to HIT the ceiling! Very Funny!

Oh, and just to warn those of you that are going to New Attitude with us. The guys have a new line. Ben already promised he was going to say it all the way to Kentucky! Be prepared! LOL! (Fortunately, it's a good one.)

So what are your thoughts? What did you take from the movie? What was your favorite character? Scene? Line? Analogy? What was your favorite of the three in the Trilogy?


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