Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Depending On the Holy Spirit
Just some thoughts from some reading today...

You depend on the Holy Spirit because you simply can't overcome your sinfulness on your own. You need the strength of the Holy Spirit. You can express your dependence on the Holy Spirit for a holy life in two ways:
1. Through a humble and consistent intake of Scripture
2. By praying for holiness.

By Jerry Bridges in The Chase

As I have mentioned before, my 7th graders and I are reading through The Chase by Jerry Bridges in the mornings before we start Algebra class. Each morning the Lord challenges me with a new truth. Today was particularly challenging b/c both are areas that I can tend to 'let go' in my time with the Lord. I forget the importance they hold in trying to live a life that is holy and blameless before God. Yet, when I was thinking about it today, I was thinking, HOW prideful that is of me to think that I COULD do it on my own. It was a convicting thought, and one that challenges me to press on.

I think that at times when we fail in these two areas time and time again, we can get discouraged and let the unfaithfulness define who we are. (displaying self-condemnation in our attitudes and thoughts such as, 'I'm just an unfaithful believer. God is disappointed in me.') That discouragement can lead to spiritual depression, that can cause a desire to quit the race and give up the fight. This is the enemy speaking lies, and us believing them. But the truth is we are covered by the grace that JESUS CHRIST made accessable to us! Jesus has covered our unfaithfulness, AND our past unfaithfulness does NOT have to define our present or future actions! God's grace leads us to repentance and obedience! God is GOOD! Let us press into HIS good, holy, precious, loving character by knowing Him more through His Word, and asking the Spirit to make us holy!


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