May Is Not Just MY Birthday Month
Man! I forgot! It was May 1, 2001 that I first started a website journal with these opening words... Hello to whoever has found this page and is now reading the very first words that I am entering into this web journal.... Ok, so there were no deep words of wisdom! None the less, that means I've been web journaling for 3 years now! It was LAST May that I moved all of my old website journal entries over to blogger and May 15 will be one year with BLOGSPOT! Wow! Time flies when your having fun!
Anyway, I have thought about this for a long time, and to celebrate mine and my blogs Birthday, I wanted to encourage everyone to do the following:
ADOPT a Compassion Child
Compassion International exists as an advocate for children, releasing them from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enabling them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults.
I have been blessed by the letters that Isabel (the little girl from Columbia that I sponsor) has sent me. She is learning about Jesus, and she is eager to tell me about Him, herself, and her family. She also prays for me, and has expressed that to me.
The financial integrity of Compassion has been recognized by secular financial magazines and you can read more about that here. Compassion is also supported by MANY Christian musicians.
To Choose a Child to Sponsor
CLICK HERE and Click any photo to learn more about a child and to request a child sponsorship packet. Begin a wonderful relationship of love with a child in need today. If you choose to sponsor a child, the cost is just $28 per month.
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