Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Teeth of Wisdom...Grrrr
Yesterday I had a consutation appointment with an oral surgeon to get my wisdom teeth out. This is the second attempt in the past 10 years for me to do this. Obviously, the first one didn't go well, considering I still have all four. This is not a happy time for me. That's all I will say about that.

Playing Big Sis
To spruce up my spirits after my appointment, I went to have dinner with my mom, Alan, and my little bro Brandon. Brandon is the coolest kid! Played hide-and-go-seek, Bob the Builder memory, chase, and whatever else he could dream up. He loves the outdoors, and especially things like Tractors, Bulldozers, Trucks, dirt to dig with those things... This is all new to me, b/c we grew up in a house of girls, but I can remember back to some pretty 'tomboyish' days before I hit my girly teen years. Days of hiking through the woods, building forts, climbing trees, catching crawdads in the creek, going on our own little 'adventures'. Oh, the joys of living in the sticks as a kid!


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