Monday, September 22, 2003

Spirit and Truth

My fellow friends, worshipers of the Savior, seekers of truth,

I have a couple of question to throw out. This is something I have been pondering, studying, and seeking counsel about for a while now. I really would like some feedback (resources, thoughts, scripture, et cetera) about this issue. Ok, so here are the questions:

What does it mean to worship in SPIRIT and in TRUTH? I'm specifially asking about corporate worship through music, and not our everyday being that should also give worship and glory to GOD.

In asking that, there are two parts: the SPIRIT part and the TRUTH part. Not that they can be disassociated b/c we are clearly commanded to do both (they go hand in hand), but I would like feed back on what each mean separately and what they mean together.

In reading, I found this article (Worship from an Honest Heart) in Relevant Magazine which was an interesting read about the TRUTH part of the issue. Not that the article encompasses everything about worshiping in TRUTH, but its one perspective/opinion of the issue. Here's part of the article that speaks honesty in worship:

I was having a really hard time with it because, as much as I liked those words and wished to sing them, that was not the song of my heart. I desire to honor God, but I don’t worship Him with all of my heart or praise Him with all that is within me. Usually my praise is only lip service—at most a mental exercise. I have given Him my heart, although I often take it back and keep it for myself. I desire to live for Him alone with my every breath and every move. But I don’t. I live for myself, my goals and dreams and desires. I get caught up in routines and schedules and forget about Him. I have things to do and often get too busy for Him. I want to say, “Lord, have Your way with me,” but that scares me. His way is never easy and is often very painful.

Also, another question to go along with the whole worship issue:

Is our worship too 'Me' centered instead of GOD centered? How much of our songs should be about how I feel about God, How much I want to worship God, How passionate I am about God, what God has done for ME, what I want to do for HIM, what I want Him to do for me?

In response to that same article, someone wrote:

that's why i like worship songs that take the "i" out of praise and worship music. If i sing that "God's ways are not our ways" or that "all glory and honor is due God's name", then it's true. Because those things are true about God regardless of whether or not we've been good little girls or boys. -eric h.

I would add "those things are true reguardless of how much I FEEL like worshiping."

In the SPIRIT aspect, what does it mean to worship in SPIRIT? Does that mean the HOLY SPIRIT? How much FREEDOM should there be in worship? What is the part of emotion in worship? When does it cross the line and become more about what we do, and less about worshiping GOD?

I bring this stuff out in humility not debate. I want to become a better worshiper. I want to worship in spirit and in truth. I don't have conclusions, just questions and a few thoughts, I would appreciate feedback from you guys.

- A fellow worshiper of an AWESOME God!

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

John 4:23-24


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