Tuesday, October 07, 2003

All to the Glory of God!
Not long ago a friend sent me an email in response to a question on worship. The following is part of that email:

So I practice taking pleasure in God while I do the dishes. I don’t rush the dishes. I appreciate the labor for its own sake. I ask God to help me as I go about the task. And that becomes a real point of reference for me that when I’m doing the dishes I’m remembering this is a task of worship. So I do it well, as ‘unto’ Him. Then we can branch out into other things. Pulling weeds. Washing the car. Playing with the dog.

Last night I went home to clean. I left the following away message on my IM after a conversation I had with someone.

Gone home to clean, clean, clean... aka Worship!
"do all to the glory of God"

The every day tasks are not something that I've ever 'actively' worshipped God in. I mean, I know that EVERYTHING we do is worship. But I've never thought, "I'm worshiping You, Lord" while I was completing a task. I've been listening to messages on Worship (as I've mentioned numerous times) and last night while I was cleaning, I was thinking how much more pleasurable it is to clean, when I actively engage my mind and heart in worshiping God through it.

I was given this verse today as a reminder:

Colossians 3:17
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

While it's called NOW, Let's all Do ALL to the glory of God! Let's Do It For Jesus!

New Music:
Check out this Interview with Siler's Bald: What You Don't Know about Siler's Bald

This is part of the Interview:
Shane: First, I'll say that I think it's truly sad that so many in this industry have lost their childlike curiosity concerning so much, but especially art. The irony is that we're still called 'artists,' a title often given with no real thought on what that demands we actually be. Madeleine L'Engle says that 'all true art is of God' and that true artists must be 'obedient to the art and learn the great art of listening first.' She does not limit this to the Christian, for we well know that people honor God through the excellence and beauty of their art everyday without knowledge of, and sometimes even within the denial of, the very God that allowed them to create at all. This is not some mystic ideology and I certainly didn't make it up.


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