Friday, December 19, 2003

More LOTR's Thoughts
My friend Dale sent me one of his unfinished Tales and in it he comments on the LOTR's movie. Good insite. Here's part of it.

The Tales
December 2003
By Dale Fincher
There are many characters to identify with in this Middle-Earth’s battle. Frodo: who has to do his best with his burden. Pippin: the curious one who makes trouble with his zealous naiveté. Theoden: ruler of his domain but overtaken with deceit and exhausted of hope. Boromir: ambitious for his house and his land, but selfish enough to draw his friends into danger. Smeogol is, in scary fashion, the one to whom I can most resonate. The inner war is fierce and duplicitous. Yet Sam, my hero, is the one I want to be most like—humble Sam of the Shire, companion to the ring-bearer, honorable in dark places, fierce in his friendship, volunteer to the edge of Doom. Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, and Gimli show their true steel. And while I am impressed with their heart and ability, I find them behaving within their own appointed task. But the Hobbits, made of stronger stuff than meets the eye, evokes the admiration. We are all Hobbits, I think. Tolkien wanted us to see that (as some argue Hobbits are his fellow Englishmen). And Hobbits can either become the pitiful Gollum or the honorable Sam. Frodo himself lost his finger in place of his life and was spared by the raw act of another’s ravenous greed. If I can’t succeed as a Sam, my God’s mercy take my finger and spare my soul.

I like the perspective that he has when he says, And Hobbits can either become the pitiful Gollum or the honorable Sam. We have that choice, also. Do we let our sin nature control us, or do we walk in the Spirit? It's is our choice.
What are ya'lls thoughts?


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