Tuesday, February 03, 2004

What a Morning!
Ever had one of those days? You know, the day when you wake up expecting NOT to go to school, b/c of inclimate weather, but end up having to, so you sleepily get yourself up, ready and out the door, and forget you new cd that you wanted to listen to on your 40 minute drive to work. Decide to listen to another of your favorite cd's only to find that your FAVORITE song on the cd is scratched! Stop to get breakfast b/c you are dying of thirst and a bit hungry, and continue on to school (thankfully with out issues!) Well, that is until your rain covered, traction-less shoes hit the slick hard tile floor and sends you to your snowboard bruised knees. You limp to your classroom hoping that no one saw you and feels sorry for you. Finally, you sit down to enjoy your breakfast and prepare for the school day, only to pick up your drink. The lid pops off, and 3/4ths of it goes all over your desk, books, and floor. *sigh* This is completely hypothetical, of course! LOL! It makes for a Great story for your students! It's a good thing that you have the WHOLE REST OF THE DAY to recover for your clumsy, forgetful, crazy morning!!! :)

Table for Two
by Derek Webb
Well this day's been crazy
But everything's happened on schedule,
from the rain and the cold
To the drink that I spilled on my shirt.

'Cause You knew how You'd save me
before I fell dead in the garden,
And You knew this day
long before You made me out of dirt.

(on Caedmon's Call 40 Akers album)


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