Friday, August 22, 2003

Isaiah 58:11
And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

'cuz I am so easily satisfied, by the call of lovers so less wild .
The Wedding Dress
Derek Webb

Why is that? Why is it that we are so easily enticed with the things of this world, the temporal, the cheap? Why is it that so many times we 'sell out' for these things. We choose sleep, relationships, money over the call of the ALMIGHTY to sweet communion with HIM.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

My friend Adam Posted these thoughts on his Blog the other day and I thought it was really great perspective :)

Something struck me sideways as I watched the beginning of the race. They opened with an "invocation" (a prayer) by a local bishop. He closed saying "in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ... Amen." (Politically correct? Nah. Gutsy? You bet!) *Silence from the masses. A redneck scratched himself on national TV.*

"Ladies and gentlemen, the national anthem will be sung today by grammy award winner, Leanne Rimes!" *Explosive cheering. A redneck belched.* She sang... quite pleasantly for a country singer. Then, *More explosive cheering.*

I was left with the thought... how backwards was that?? The God of the Universe is prayed to for the protection of fans and racers and the enjoyment of the day, and he gets silence afterward. Hello: we just "invoked" the very presence of the Divine, and he gets jack squat. Then, some little hooty-tooty country chick hops up, do-bops her thing, and thousands of folks rise to their feet cheering. I was left musing over what Heaven will be like... "Ladies and Gentlemen, the LAMB OF GOD!" *Explosive cheering! A redneck bows at the foot of the throne.* This is the core reason why we share our faith: not just to save folks from Hell (although that is true), but more importantly, to bring more worshiping souls to God Almighty for his glory and honor.

School Starts Today!

First day of school!!!

8:00 am sharp - 16 seventh graders! Pray for me!

JK .... Sorta!

It's gonna be great! I'm excited about the new year and all that God is going to do. This is my second year at Westover. It's nice not to be the new person anymore!

More Later!

God's Mercies Are NEW today! Isn't that AWESOME!

Monday, August 18, 2003

Little Sore

A little advice. Don't wait a year in between going wake boarding. You'll be very sore the next day! I went with a couple of friends on Saturday, and I'm paying for it today!