Ok, this is day 2 of no school, sitting at home. Yesterday I got a ton accomplished. :)
Things I did on my day off in no particular order:
1. Cleaned my house (after much procrastinating... I did it. Clean feels so good!)
Feminine Appeal and
Ruthless Trust
3. Played my guitar (learned to play "Untitled Hymn" by
Chris Rice... Thanks for Chording and Lyrics from
Sandra's Site)
4. Finished knitting a scarf!!! and Worked more on my FIRST baby Blanked! (DONT LAUGH! It's fun! LOL!)
5. Graded 7 of my 35 Math Tests (that is about all I could sit still for!)
6. Made a cake. :) (Had to have something to go with my hot chocolate!)
7. Watched
One Day '04 DVD -
John Piper's Message (oh my, AWESOME STUFF! I got more this time than hearing it when I was AT
8. Spent some time with the Lord and reading
Romans 9 - Ever read it? It's Intriguing!
9. Took a Nap :)
Ok, so I did everything yesterday and this morning! All i left myself for the rest of today is to finish those ol' math papers!!! YUCK! SOMEBODY PLEASE COME SLEDDING WITH ME!
Lol! Actually my sis and 2 nieces, Haley and Andrea, are on their way over! Gonna go slide down some of our hills, and hopefully not INTO THE LAKE! :) Fun!
You know, this snow is much like one that we had when I was a child and lived in
Milton. Some of you may remember this. We were out of school for like a week. We had about a foot of snow, then the sun came out and melted the top of the snow. That night the temperatures DROPPED and the top froze like a sheet of ice! The next day it was a kids DREAM! We grabbed mom's cookie sheets and started at the top of our steep drive way and slid all the way down to the creek! It is the best snow memory ever!
Side Notes
1. I added picture links to my side bar
2. If you are new visitor to my blog and have not done so, post your location on the GUESTMAP! COME ON! :) It's fun!!! :)
3. My friend Aaron has a business and
WEBSITE HERE - He makes Rock Chalk that cannot be seen on the side of a Rock. Check it out!
Alright, that's it! Over and Out!