Saturday, November 15, 2003

Added some new links on my side bar under weblogs, music, and clothing. Check them out when you get a chance.

Coldplay - Live 2003
This is a 2-DISC DVD & CD SET which includes a 90-minute, nine-camera, super 16 live shoot taken from their July 21 and 22, 2003 performances at the Horden Pavilion in Sydney, Australia, as well as band commentary, a never before broadcast behind-the-scenes documentary, a special tour diary and the edited audio CD. The DVD and CD will also include two PREVIOUSLY UNRELEASED live tracks- "The One I Love" and "Moses." -from

Friday, November 14, 2003

Search My Heart
God's primary means of searching our hearts this way is through His Word, as we read it under the power of the Holy Spirit. As we pray for God to search our hearts, we must continually expose ourselves to the searching or His Word. pg. 83
-Jerry Bridges
Pursuit of Holiness

The Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
-Hebrews 4:12

Thank you, Lord, for the Word that shows me that I don't measure up to your holiness. I see that I need a Savior. Thank you for not leaving me in that desparate place of needing, for you provided Jesus to be my righteousness. That gives hope, future, and a life abundant!

Guerrilla Warfare of Sin
So we see that though sin no longer has dominion over us, it wages its guerrilla warfare against us. pg. 88
-Jerry Bridges
Pursuit of Holiness

The prince of despair's been beated, but the loser still fights
-Caedmon's Call
Love Alone

The Danger of Postmodernism
Making the Gospel about Us

by Esther Jing-Hua Wu
The danger of postmodern Christianity is that we become so focused on making God culturally relevant, hip, cool, and fun, that we run the risk of making the gospel about us—our experiences, our relationships, our needs, our worship preferences, our lives. When this happens we lose our awe of God's holiness. If we spend so much time relating to God as personal friend, we lose sight of the holiness of the God who inspires fear, wonder, worship, and beauty all at once. When that happens, our proclamation of the gospel tips dangerously towards self-centeredness and our experience of God; and the way we want to connect with the holy becomes more important than God himself.
The postmodern emphasis on experience, presentation, and narrative has enhanced our faith richly in many ways. However, experience and narrative are by no means the beginning or ending points of our faith in Christ. God's holiness is. Of course, we'll experience God in tangible ways that shape our lives and increase our Christ-likeness tremendously, but our experience is ultimately not the anchor of our faith.

the entire article here...

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Keith Green
Keith Green's life was a strong testimony of someone who loved God and desperately felt the urgency of telling others of salvation through the Christ. He opened his life to strangers and led many to the Savior. Bob Dylan was one he led to the Lord. If you want to read a testimony that is inspiring and convicting, check out the book No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green. The following song is one of Keith Green's that has become a prayer of mine. I remembered it today, b/c of things that God has been teaching me.

Rushing Wind
Rushing wind blow through this temple,
Blowing out the dust within,
Come and breathe you breath upon me,
I’ve been born again.

Jesus, You’re the one,
who sets my spirit free,
Use me Lord, glorify,
Your holy name through me.

Holy spirit, I surrender,
Take me where you want to go,
Plant me by your living water,
Plant me deep so I can grow.

-Keith Green

Father's Love
Check out this Flash Presentation called Father's Love

Ever Feel Like This?
And I thought our gas prices were high! Click Here

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Learning to Be Holy
I have been reading this Pursuit of Holiness book by Jerry Bridges. I know I've mentioned it several times, and probably will continue to do so as I read more and learn more. As I was going through some of the Chapters, the past weeks, I also landed on reading I John. There is some heavy stuff in there, and I don't pretend to even understand it all. The chapter that most baffled me was Chapter 3. Especially verse 9.

Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

These are times where I wish I knew Greek. Any thoughts on that verse or on that chapter?

As I was reading Pursuit of Holines and I John, I started writing... My writing was also birthed out of my One Day '03 experience this past May and the Passion Tour that I attened at Liberty last Thursday. Both places I heard godly men and women stand and deliver awesome God centered thoughts.

So here is part of what I wrote:
You say,
I am holy, so you must be the same
Pursue this purity for the glory of My Name
And when failure and sin tempt you to give up
Remember on the cross Christ took your blame
And it's all for My fame

Monday, November 10, 2003

Amber Got Engaged!!!
My best friend, Amber, (who I am going to see in 10 days!) got ENGAGED yesterday!!! I got the news via voice mail message, and of course, when I tried to call her back to get the FULL story, IT WAS BUSY! :( Congrats you guys! Can't wait to talk to you and see you!

Weekend Recap
What a great, fun, busy weekend. So much happened this weekend, that I can't believe I got it all in.

Friday we had the Fall Fling at school. I hung out there with some students till about 6 then took off home to rest for about 30 mins before setting up for the concert at Basement Coffeehouse . Friends of mine, Josh, Jonathan, and Andrew played at the coffeehouse that night. It was a packed house. My friend Amy had come down from Northern VA so after the concert we headed off to my house. We stayed up waaay to late chatting.

Saturday I was awaken suddenly by the telephone. Cassidy was in town from Baltimore, and Amy and I had planned on meeting up with her for lunch. We all met at the Brown Bean Cafe which is a quaint little place in Danville. Lunch was yummy and we capped it off with the delicious desserts they offer! It was nice to see Cass since it had been so long. After lunch, Amy and I ran some errands then went down by the river to play our guitars. It was tons of fun playing with the river rushing in the background. We played till the sun started going down and our hands were to cold to strum anymore. When we got to the river, there were TONS of people around. When we left, no one was still there. Hope it wasn't our playing and singing!

That night was Jen's bday party. It was soooo much fun. My favorite part was sitting around the livingroom singing to favorite bluegrass music. I think I have found someone that competes w/ me at the title of biggest Nickel Creek fan! Mary Graydon is quite the fanatic! It was fun talking to someone that knew all about their music! Later that night, we had a lot of fun jumping on the trampoline, swinging on this great tree swing, and sitting around the campfire roasting marshmellows, watching the lunar eclipes, and looking at the digital pictures that Ryan took of the fire. I swear I saw a rabid crawling lizzard, and a big grizzly in the pics of the fire!

Yesterday I woke up and went to church but left a little early to meet up with Cassidy before she headed back to Baltimore. After that long weekend, I came home, wrapped up in my pillows and blankets on the floor, popped in the movie LadyHawk, and fell asleep within 5 minutes. Love those Sunday afternoon naps!
Maliah came home from visiting her dad in Charlotte, so her and I hung out the rest of the evening. I couldn't resist! I went ahead and gave her the Nemo video! She was sooo excited! I think it's a baaad idea for me to go Christmas shopping early!

Great music. Great friends. Great weekend!

Great New Artists
Josh lent me the Jill Paquette cd and woow, That girl can play the guitar beautifully! It's been a while since I've found a girl musician that can play such intricate things on the guitar. Also a very sweet pretty voice. Check out the new CD Here
Also finally picked up the new Silers Bald Cd. Love the hammer dulcimer! More about them later.

Here are some links of people that have linked to me lately. Check out their blogs!