Hard, Crazy Week! Last Saturday (October 16) was my dad's bday. That morning a friend and coworker unexpectedly died from a fall. He was a much loved teacher and coach at WCA! He was a man that had a consistantly walked with the Lord and was a testimony to all that knew him! He was a servant and a hard worker.
This week we were off of school Wednesday for the funeral. Today we had the memorial service in chapel at school. As I was sitting in the services, I had flashbacks of my dad's memorial service, and the months that preceeded it. As I watched the family come in, I felt like I was there again. Sitting in the same seats. Seems only like yesterday. Feels kind of surreal at times.
Mr. Brown, you will be missed greatly! Thank you for pointing us to Jesus! See you in Heaven!
The Bulldog Bash (WCA's Annual Carnival) was ALSO scheduled for tonight. B/c of plans that had been made it could not have been moved to a later date. So planning all the events in the midst of everything else was CRAZY! Thankfully the Freshman Class (the class I sponser) only had one booth! It was a success and everyone LOVED our picture booth!
A few Bash Pictures