So, I had the following quote up on my AIM today:
"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." -CS Lewis
While I was away, I got this message:
person: except the sun doesnt rise.
person: Lewis was wrong for the same reason
person: that enlightenment thining is wrong.
person: it sets the human mind up as the final arbiter of truth
person: Christianity is no more or less true than any other religion
person: it just depends on the relationship between one's metaphors (the sun rising) and one's logic
person: saying Christianity is true is like saying english is true
person: English is neither true nor false
person: it is simply a means we use to communicate
person: the problem with those of you who think every one else is wrong
person: is that you assume your language is somehow the equivalent of some ethereal, platonic, truth
person: when in fact (a) you know little about any other religions
person: (b) you dont understand your own mind vis-a-vis your own perspective
person: and (c) you confuse the relationship between "God" and your idea of God.
person: food for thought.
Ok people, what are YOUR thoughts?