Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Random Post
Got a Youth Specialties Email today and had some cool links that I thought I would share...

States I've Been In

create your own personalized map of the USA
or write about it on the open travel guide

Surfer Girl's Faith
A deadly shark bite could not keep this amazing teen down
Bethany has already made numerous media appearances on MTV, Oprah, and in magazines like Teen Vogue and YM. Wherever she goes, people soon hear about her dynamic faith....
..."I can't change it," she told the Free Press about the shark attack. "That was God's plan, and I'm going to go with it."

Bethany Hamilton's Personal Website - Get this, She is ONLY 13!!!! Wow!

Doctor Visit...
This is really cool! I woke up this morning, and decided I NEEDED to go to the doctor, so after securing a substitute, I opened the phone book not having a CLUE how to choose a doctor. 'Lord, help me to know where to go!' Looked and looked and then found a name that I was familiar with... Dr. Winfield. 'Winfield... there is a girl in 9th grade with that last name... I wonder if that is her dad?' I thought. So I called the number. Got the answering service, and they took my information so that the doctors office could call me back when they opened. I rested a little while and actually fell asleep (since I hadn't slept much the night before.) Got a call a little later.

The receptionist on the other end: 'Well, we are all booked up until late next week.'
Me: "hmmm ... That wont work b/c I need to get in TODAY b/c I'm leaving for Denver tomorrow."
Receptionist: 'Hmmm... we are double booked all day today. Well, hold on a minute and let me see what we can do.'
Receptionist: Dr. Winfield said to come on in and we will try to fit you in after 2.

I went there a little early, filled out paper work, and then sat and waited. Quiet instrumental praise music was playing over the speakers in the waiting room. Read. wrote a letter.
Receptionist: Melissa?
Me: Yep!
Went in to see the doctor... YES! It was one of my students dad's! Awesome! Everyone was incredibly nice, AND a girl i know from church stuck her head in my room to say hi. I didn't even know she worked there!
Doctor: Diagnoses is that you have some bronchitis. Here are some meds.... (paraphrase)
Soooo... It was a painless, mostly encouraging trip to a doctor (which is saying a lot coming from a girl that NEVER goes and was mostly dreading the experience!)

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

9th Grade Tubing Trip
Today we took the 9th graders Tubing at Wintergreen Ski Resort!!! We also had a delicious lunch at Ryan's buffet in Lynchburg! Here are a few Pics From the Trip... More to come!

Monday, March 22, 2004

Dinner Party Thanx
Just wanted to thank everyone that came to my house for dinner on Saturday night. Thank you for Blessing me with your friendship. Thank you for bringing drinks, and Thank You, JEN for being such a servant and washing all the dishes for me! 'Twas muchas fun! I am blessed with an awesome group of friends! May God bless you guys this week in everything that you say and do for the glory of HIS name!

I KNOW HE Is Teaching Me Something
Coming off this blessed weekend I have to hit the ground running. (this week I HAVE to take the 9th graders on a school trip, Teach, Tutor, Fly to Denver, and I need to Get new tires, go to the dr., Get grades done...) I'm still sick in spite of doing everything but overdosing on cold meds, so I'm thinking I have a sinus infection (YIKES! I've NEVER had that before! I always thought that it was something that only older people got.) So much to get done this week, and I KNOW it will not ALL get done. I know God is teaching me to rely on him in weakness, and humbling me through this. And teaching me to prioritize, but that's so hard, when EVERYTHING seems important in their own realm. It would be VERY easy to get stressed or depressed, but that's just pointless. By God's grace (and that alone) I will press on towards the mark of the High Calling of Jesus! In the power of the Holy Spirit, I will glory in my weakness so that God's power illuminates boldly! I CAN'T do it, BUT God is good and faithful and will work his purpose. I don't think that means that all my plans for this week will come to pass, but God's will! Thanks to the Word of God and Encouragement of friends, I can keep my focus on the Glory of God, and not on silly stuff of this temporal life.

1 Peter 5:7-11
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about what happens to you. Be careful! Watch out for attacks from the Devil, your great enemy. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for some victim to devour. Take a firm stand against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are. In his kindness God called you to his eternal glory by means of Jesus Christ. After you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation. All power is his forever and ever. Amen.