Friday, October 31, 2003

Want to go Vintage? Check out these links.

Midnight Sparkle
Vintage Chick
Unique Vintage
Wacky Cats

Mike Yaconelli
Early morning, Thursday, October 30, we lost a friend, a father, an inspiration. Co-founder and owner of Youth Specialties (YS), Mike Yaconelli, was in a fatal car accident in northern California Wednesday night. more...

Articles by Mike Yaconelli

Books by Mike Yaconelli

Thursday, October 30, 2003

His Name They Proclaim
The cost that many have paid and are paying for the name of Christ convicts me of my many-times ordinary attitude I have towards Christ. A few years back I read Jesus Freak. The stories were heart-wrenching. How easy is it to go about the everyday normal tasks in life, and forget. Forget the cost of my salvation. Forget to pray for my brothers and sisters that ARE being persecuted today for their Savior. Forget to treasure every moment I have to worship in FREEDOM. Monday night I came home and found the new issue of Decision Magazine. Flipped through to find these quotes.

Ignatius of Antioch wrote the following in the early second century before he was executed, most likely by wild beasts, in the Roman arena:

Come fire and cross and grapplings with wild beasts,
The rending of my bones and body,
Come allthe torment of the wicked one upon me.
Only let it be mine to attain Jesus Christ

Before Julitta of Caesarea (d. 303) was taken away to be burned alive, she is said to have spoken these words to the judge:

Let the estates I own be ravaged or given to others,
Let me lose my life and let my body be destroyed;
Rather than that I should speak on word against the Lord, who made me.

-From November's Issue of Decision Magazine

Stop Jingling Those Bells!
I went to Walmart about a month ago. Not that I havent been there since then, but a month ago is when I starting to notice. Notice what, you may ask??? CHRISTMAS EVERYTHING! Decore, Advertisements, Gift Wrap, etc... What in the world?!? Christmas season gets earlier and earlier every year! Can't we AT LEAST wait till October is Over???? For ME, Christmas season doesn't start till AFTER Thanksgiving!

Going Retro
Getting ready for The Basement Coffeehouse's Decade Party tomorrow night.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Last night @ Purpose Driven Life Bible study we talked a little about encouragement, and how as believers we should seek to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ. So I guess that I my challenge today. Pick someone today. Pray for them and purposefully do something that will be an encouragement to them. (Send an email, write them a note, clean their house, bake them something yummy, give them a compliment, etc...)
Maybe you have a GREAT idea to show someone encouragement. If so, Post it in the comment section below. Or if you have a testimony of a time that someone really blessed and encouraged you, post that here too!

A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.Proverbs 11:25

Cute Stories
Ridiculous Joy
By Andrew Peterson

Tallahassee Music Scene
Came across this musician today. Jonny Diaz Caught my attention for a few reasons. He goes to FSU (Go Noles!) His album was produced by Joel Cameron (Shane and Shane, Caleb Carruth, Blisse, Forty Days). He was pursuing baseball (on a baseball scholarship), but gave it up b/c he felt the Lord calling him to music ministry. Anyway, check him out:

His Music on
His Music on
Jonny Diaz Website

Monday, October 27, 2003

Your Grace
We sang this song today in chapel. Don't know who wrote it, but I've heard it a bunch. I just love it. I love the message; I love the potential harmonies. It reminds me a lot of my friend Lea who moved to Chicago (I think she's the first person who I heard sing it.) Anyway, here's the song:

Your grace... Opens the way
That I might draw near to you with my heart full of faith
Your grace... is all undeserved
Though there are times I fail
Still you are with me

Your Amazing Grace is perfectly free
Day by day Your grace
Empowering me
To please you in all things
To walk in Your ways
Completely forgiven
And it's all by You grace

I want to walk in a manner that's worthy
Of the calling you've given to me
I want to walk in a manner that's worthy of the gospel

Not Even a Hint Blog
Josh Harris Weblog

Other Well Done Blogs
The Living Room

Cool Place to Look up Blogs

I'm sure you have noticed that I changed some things around. Tell me what you thing about the change. Any suggestions of more changes that could make this blog better? More reader friendly? Leave a comment.