You Know You Are a Snowboard Freak IF:
Posted these in
Josh's comments in response to his email/post about snowboarding but thought I would post them here.
10. you stand on your board in your bedroom and close your eyes and pretend you are going down a mountain.
9. if you say 'dude' alot and use lingo to describe snow conditions like 'dust on crust'
8. Your homepage is set at your favorite ski resort and you just click REFRESH to check snow conditions.
7. You know all the snowboarding reps at the local stores by name.
6. You dream of wild adventure where they take you up in a plane and drop you off in random wild terrane so that you can snow board for weeks on end before getting to civilization.
5. If all your vocabulary is preceeded by the word 'snow'
4. If you start to drool when you see pictures in magazines of extreme snowboarding
3. If you go to work, just so you can have money to board
2. If your ears have a radar on them that zones in on the words 'snow' or 'boarding' anywhere within a 3 mile radius
For the #1 Reason you will have to go read his
weblog (Josh, that's some free promo for your Blog! LOL!)