Friday, October 03, 2003

Danville's Funniest Home Videos

Danville's Funniest Home Videos
The front page story on the Danville Register and Bee today Features 3 Westover Christian Students (The school I teach at.) Check it out! They're FAMOUS!

Boredom often breeds creativity. Case in point is the trio of Danville teenagers who turned a video camera and a lazy summer day into their shot at stardom. On Sunday, Michael Dalton, John Haynsworth and Tyler Lee will go national when a clip of their shopping cart hijinx airs on the ABC television show, “America’s Funniest Videos.” It all began on a June day when the three Westover Christian Academy sophomores were at Dalton’s house, looking for something to do.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Be There

Be All There
Came across this quote today in some reading.

Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.
-Jim Elliot

Burnin' Down the House
I can't believe that I forgot this about yesterday morning. It was 6:00 am. My morning zombiness hadn't quite worn off. There I was in the bathroom of my fairly new apartment getting ready for school, when it happened. The smell of burning wood permeated the air. "What is this smell?" I thought. Then I heard it! The fire alarm! It was blaring in my ears!

First thoughts: My new place is burning down. my guitar! My dad is going to die! My Guitar! I'm going to die. MY GUITAR! What should I do? Run for my life! Stay here and stand my ground? Fight the FIRE?

So I ran through the house in search of the 'fire', but nothing could be found. Called Mila. She came up and also could find nothing. It wasn't but a second later that I realized that I had just turned on my new heating system for the first time ever. Evidently, that is what the smell was coming from. Mystery solved. Guitar safe. Melissa Safe. Dad not mad. Off to school.

I'll blame my insanity on the cold weather.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Continuing with the September 22 worship thought and discussion. Josh posted an excellent comment on his weblog today (October 1) after reading the article God is My Boyfriend:

The presence of God-specific truth in worship songs makes the response of worship more sincere and invokes greater realization of our depravity and sinfulness and thankfulness for God's grace and mercy (two inseprateable truths of which the former must be realized to be fully aware of the significance of the latter).
(emphasis mine)

This is only part of his comments. Check the rest out at his October 1st Post

As I delve into this subject, I find that there are many "True Worship" seekers. Others that have and are pondering the question, "What is True Worship?" Especially having to do with corporate worship.

Here are some resources that I have found on the internet:
(disclaimer: I haven't read all of these in their entirety.)

Heart of Worship has an article called Worship: A Divine Romance? by Sam Hargreaves

Genuine Worship has several articles by Joel Harris and Bob Kauflin

Expression of Worship has TONS of stuff!

Sovereign Grace has a short one by Pastor Bill Clark

In Awe...

In Awe
I know I've mentioned this subject so many times on my blog, but...

Oh my gosh, the sky this morning! Did anyone see it? It was around 7:10, and I was driving to school. By 7:30, when I got to school, there were just remnants of the radiance.

I'm in awe!

I see reflections of the sunrise,
In the clouds that You created,
They radiate Your glory.

And nature sings!
And nature sings!

It the everyday miracles... that amazes me! -Sarah Groves

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Seminoles RULE!

Seminoles RULE!
Ok, all you college football fans out there. doesn't seem as big a deal here in NC, but when I lived in Tally, they preach football from the pulpit (literally)! So I got this email from a concerned Tallahasse students:

And remember u will always be a NOLE NEVER A TARHEAL

I just have to confess that I still am a NOLE! No worries, my FSU friend. I haven't converted! They are doing pretty good this year too!!! I'm thinking of going to the Clemson/FSU game at Clemson so if any of you are going, let me know!

Interesting articles by Dale Fincher entitled Does God Need Me?

Does God Need Me (Part 1)

Does God Need Me (Part 2)

Teeth of Wisdom...Grrrr
Yesterday I had a consutation appointment with an oral surgeon to get my wisdom teeth out. This is the second attempt in the past 10 years for me to do this. Obviously, the first one didn't go well, considering I still have all four. This is not a happy time for me. That's all I will say about that.

Playing Big Sis
To spruce up my spirits after my appointment, I went to have dinner with my mom, Alan, and my little bro Brandon. Brandon is the coolest kid! Played hide-and-go-seek, Bob the Builder memory, chase, and whatever else he could dream up. He loves the outdoors, and especially things like Tractors, Bulldozers, Trucks, dirt to dig with those things... This is all new to me, b/c we grew up in a house of girls, but I can remember back to some pretty 'tomboyish' days before I hit my girly teen years. Days of hiking through the woods, building forts, climbing trees, catching crawdads in the creek, going on our own little 'adventures'. Oh, the joys of living in the sticks as a kid!

Monday, September 29, 2003

Taking Off!

Ever feel like taking off, but not knowing where to go? Yesterday the day was beautifully vibrant, and it would have been foolish to sit inside and let it waste away. I had an itching to drive away. I hopped in my car not knowing my destination. I started to drive toward Roxboro. I ended up downtown Durham, not far from Duke University. As I walked down the side walk, there were many little eclectic shops that called for my visit. The first I stopped at was the Blue Coffee Company (I think that's the name). Grabbed my lunch for the day (Caramel Heaven Iced Coffee), and went on my way. The ambiance of the shop wasn't very warm or inviting (they did have a down stairs that I didn't visit.), though I must say that the frap was delightfully good.
From there I stopped in on a little used book store called Books on Ninth. Used book stores intrigue me. There are always hidden treasures to be found within the confines of their shelves, and the best part is that they are CHEAP! This time I found Imitations of Christ by Thomas A'Kempis (I noticed it b/c Adam had posted it on his blog last week.) It dates back to the 1400's and has influenced many great church leaders in history.
I walked around a little longer. Stopped in a few more places then headed back to Roxboro. I went to Walmart to get a pumpkin (I was in the fall spirit) then went to the park to read and write. I have to say, I miss Waverly pond in Tallahassee that I could go to, when I wanted to enjoy the outside with not many people around. While sitting at the park yesterday, I had to endure the obsenities that were being shouted by random tennis players. It was still nice to be outside.
Thank you, God, for simplicities in life.

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Heidi came to chapel on Friday and sang one of the songs she had written recently while in an Australian Creative Arts School. It spoke of God's constant love pursuing us, even when we don't acknowledge him there. How it never gives up even when we reject him. The music was angelic, as was her voice. Restorative thoughts.