Saturday, November 29, 2003

Stomp Them Gators!

Friday, November 28, 2003

New Nickel Creek Album
We're all really excited to go into the studio this winter too. There are still a lot of loose ends to be tied, but we are confident and stoked to get going at it. Recording should be a much more frequent practice. Going in the studio to make a record every 2 years is not acceptable. We will definitely keep you posted even when we're not touring.
-From Sara's Journal

Sara's Solo Album
She revealed that she is following the lead of her two partners and making a solo record. “Basically, it’s going to be me singing songs that I like,” she said, adding that she didn’t yet consider herself a capable songwriter. “She could release her demos,” Thile said admiringly. “They sound great.”
-From Nickel Creek Muses and Celebrates

New Sean Watkins Solo Album
I'm not feeling burned out at all but I'm definitely ready for some time off. I'm having a lot of fun planning my new solo CD. I'll probably start recording in the next month or so. I'm also going to get my string quartet recorded.
-From Sean's Journal

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Some Colorado Pics Here. More to come. :)

Exceedingly Abundant
It being the day before Thanksgiving, I thought I would take the time to reflect on many of the blessings that the Lord has bestowed on me this year. It's hard to recall everything and write it all down, but here are some that come to mind.

#1 - Jesus' Redemption of my sinful ways. For by this, every other blessing has eternal purpose.
Psalm 71:22-24

#2 - The opportunity I have to be involved in the day to day lives of my family. To know them in the day to day, and grow with them in the day to day. To be challenged in my weaknesses by their influence and encouraged by their words.
I Corinthians 13:4-13

#3 - The Body of Christ that God has given me to fellowship and serve with. God has used them greatly to teach me what it means to be part of the 'body' of Christ, though I still have a lot more to learn. No one is a solo-servant. We need each other. I especially want to mention the Youth Leadership Team of ROL... Micah, Noah, Pastor Sudduth, and many others!
I Corinthians 12

#4 True Life - I really should have you guys on the List Several Times. You guys are so much to me! You are my brothers and sisters. You are my accountability. You are my dear friends. You spur me on to Christ! You are godly examples. You raise the bar of my expectations. Your lives convict me to walk more holy by the grace of God. I love you guys!
Hebrews 10:23-25, Ecclesiastes 4:9-11

#5 Amber, You are a blessing. A true friend. Faithful, forgiving, unselfish, encouraging, patient, kind. You are fun, creative, intelligent, beautiful inside and out.
Proverbs 17:17, Ecclesiastes 4:9-11

#6 - I feel blessed b/c of the Lord's provision in my life. He has blessed me above what I could ask or think. He has provided all my needs and then some. He has given me purpose, and has a good plan for my life to His glory. I have many other godly people in my life that I could sit here all day and list. People that have sown in me and sacrificed for me. Friends from all over the world that I am thankful for. My Tally crew, the Roswell gang, and, of course, tons from here in NC/VA. These are all part of God's provision in my life. I have a thankful heart for all of you!
Matthew 10:30-32, Philippians 1:5-6,

In the morning when i rise, give me Jesus -Fernando Ortega

CCM Hall of Fame: Keith Green
By Michael Ciani

I repent of ever having recorded a single song, and ever having performed one concert, if my music—and more importantly, my life—has not provoked you into Godly jealousy or to sell out more completely to Jesus… -Keith Green

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Walking on Water
Got a new surfing DVD called The Outsiders which highlights many of today's top Christian surfers such as CJ (2001 World Champion) and Damian Hobgood, Jessie Hines (local to the Danville area), Noah Snyder, Joel Fitzgerald, and more... Lots of cool footage, plus many of their testimonies. Check out the Walking on Water surf camp ministry here (the ministry that put out the video.)

Buy Great Coffee With a Cause
If you're like us, you appreciate good coffee. Well, why not support a great cause with the money you spend on your beans? All proceeds of Pura Vida coffee go to support orphanages in Central America. In addition, a portion of proceeds from any coffee bought through this link will go to our adopted ministry in India, Peace Gospel Ministries. -link found on Grassroots Music.

Colorado Craziness, Adventure Madness
Can I just say that I don't want to see another Airport for a very, very, very long time! I spent almost 28 hours in the Denver and Atlanta airports (or on a plane) on Sunday and Monday. But I can't start there, so let me hit some highlights of the weekend.

I arrived in Denver late Thursday night, and Amber and I stayed up really late catching up on each others lives. By the time we went to bed, it was 4 or 5 am North Carolina time, so I was exhausted.
Friday we leasurely got up and ready, and hit the road to Colorado Springs, CO which was about 45 mins away. The scenery was breath-taking. From anywhere in the city, you can see the 14,000 ft snow-capped peaks (including the famous Pike's Peak) that trim Denver. Pic Here (this was found on the internet). When we hit Colorado Springs, we stopped of at Focus on the Family which is based there. It was interesting to see it since I have read much by James Dobson, and have watched many of the Adventures in Odyssey videos. We ran through Witt's End which was set up for kids. :) From there we went to the Glen which is the property of the Navigators. Awesome rock formations everywhere (Here's a PIC). Wild animals roam the property. One of the coolest things we saw there was the Castle. There is a really cool love story behind the Castle you can read here. Anyway, Amber and I sat out on the terrace and had a picnic lunch. It was a bit chilly, though. We also meandered through the bookstore. The book I just finished (Pursuit of Holiness) was a NAVpress book, so I wanted to look for more by Jerry Bridges. I found The Practice of Godliness which is supposed to be the sequal to Pursuit of Holiness. From my inquiries I found that Mr. Bridges lives in Colorado Springs, and actually goes to Amber's brother and sister-in-law's (Tim and Susanne's) church! Unfortunately I didn't get to go and meet him. :(
After leaving the Glen, we went to the Garden of the God's and took tons of pictures of the awesome rocks, though pictures will not do them justice. That night we went to hang out with Tim and Susanne. Grabbed some mexican food and then headed back to Littleton.
Saturday we got up early to head to Loveland Ski Resort. On the way through the mountains it started snowing. I know I keep saying this, but it was beautiful! Amber and I spent the morning on the bunny slopes. It was quite frigid. The base was quite icey. I spent A LOT of time on my butt. Busted my knees up pretty bad, too. All in all the morning was pretty fun. We took a break for lunch and then hit some a regular green slope with Tim. This is where the craziness starts. I didn't know this before, but Slope grades are not standard, they are relative to the mountain that you are on. So a green on one mountain, may be a blue on another. I don't know if that was the case here, but there were a few factors that I will blame.

#1 The frigid conditions (estimate of 0 degrees on top with the wind)
#2 Altitude (about 12,200 ft high)
#3 Blizzard like conditions (I couldn't even hardly see the mountain I was on!).

I won't tell all the mishaps that happened on that mountain, they are embarassing, but let just say it involves Joyriding the Chair Lift, Lift jumping, Break Dancing down the mountain (not really but that's what it felt like), and the Ski Patrol. Anyway, the snowboarding adventure is over, and I've learned a few things from it.

#1 Put hand warmers in your boots
#2 Don't ski when it's blizzarding
#3 When you miss the lift drop-off, push the emergency stop
#4 Wear knee pads when snowboarding

Driving back to Denver was messy. Snow was everywhere. Denver even got about 8 inches. The trees were all uniformly standing on the mountains, perfectly covered with white. And, yes, it was BEAUTIFUL!

That night Amber and I met up with Matt Tracy and David and Julie Tucker. All really good friends from college. We all shared things that the Lord was doing in our lives and reminisced of crazy college stories. Hanging out that night reminded me of the get togethers in the early Tally years with Amber, Amy, Lisa, Dale, Ben, Sarah, me, and other PCC-ers passing through Tallahassee... Man, college seems like a different lifetime.

So that brings me to Sunday. The day I was supposed to leave. Notice I said SUPPOSED to leave! In short, I missed my plane, spent the night in the airport. Flew to Atlanta Monday morning. My plane there was LATE. Spent another 3 hours in THAT airport, and after a bit of a turbulant flight, left the Raleigh airport at 6 pm. So that's approximately 28 straight hours in airports or on planes.

It's GOOD to be home!

Continue Praying for my Dad
Thanks to you that have been praying for my dad. I don't know a lot of details, yet, but I do know that he got his test results back, and they are not good at all. Evidently, there are tumors in a lot of new places (We already knew his liver had a bunch). He has been in a lot of pain. Please continue to pray. God is good.

By perseverance, the snail reached the ark. - C. H. Spurgeon